Sunday, June 3, 2007

Fixing the floor pans

Next on the agenda was to fix the floor pans and battery pan. It was an entire weekend of me and the putty knife. We had to pull up all of the carpet, and scrape the tar board off the floor. I learned to use an angle grinder. I also bought a Dremmel, which was great for the small areas that are hard to reach. And I am a big person working in a small car, so there were lots of places that were hard to reach.
My husband swore I had to cut and weld the floor pans to patch the holes. We did cut out the battery pan and weld a new piece in place. But I got some really good advice from a Beetle Mechanic in Florida, and I used a fiberglass patch kit to cover the smaller holes. As you can see from the after pictures, the patch kit worked great on the floor pans. No more holes!

1 comment:

Brewmaster said...

A post about floorpans and no love for the brewmaster? Tisk-tisk!